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Lubbock Area United Way provides the resources necessary to achieve economic mobility in Lubbock. Read to learn more about our programs!
Economic mobility is the opportunity to improve economic status. Obtain resources and make progress. United Way develops pathways for individuals and families to steer toward an avenue of financial stability and success.
ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. ALICE households have to sacrifice essentials to make ends meet. Learn more about ALICE and how it affects Lubbock.
$57,798 (state avg.: $66,963)
26% (state avg.: 30%)
124,689 (6% change from 2019)
66% (state avg.: 65%)
18% (state avg.: 13%)
For years, the federal poverty level (FPL) has been considered the main component in defining a household’s economic status. A household’s FPL determines access to services and programs through government aid or nonprofit assistance programs. Research demonstrates that living in poverty has negative effects on the well-being of individuals, children, families, and communities.
New research indicates that the gap between poverty levels and thriving are higher than we thought. 19.8% of adults ages 18-64 in Lubbock County were in poverty in 2020; significantly higher than the state average of 12.5%. While the percentage of adults in poverty in Texas decreased by 5% in 5 years, Lubbock’s poverty levels increased by 4%. (U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey)
Lubbock Area United Way has monitored and addressed the FPL for years. New research indicates that the gap between poverty levels and thriving are much higher than we thought. 19.8% of adults ages 18-64 in Lubbock County were in poverty in 2020; significantly higher than the state average of 12.5%. While the percentage of adults in poverty in Texas decreased by 5% in 5 years, Lubbock’s poverty levels increased by 4%. (U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey)
We strive to bridge that gap by working with businesses and organizations to provide opportunities and resources for ALICE individuals and individuals below the Federal Poverty Level. Read to learn more about our community partners and the programs they provide.
Changes in barriers can take generations to occur. Lubbock Area United Way works with several organizations to make opportunities more attainable. Explore our community partners and how they can help Lubbock thrive.
Find support for yourself or your family through available resources and programs.
Learn the skills needed in the job market with classes and services.
All funds in the Campaign go into the Community Fund unless a donor designates a specific agency or other United Way. On an annual basis, United Way Volunteers evaluate overall community needs and United Way funded programs. Money is then allocated based on these evaluations and the recommendations of the volunteer committees. The Community Fund is the best way to help the most people and meet the greatest needs in our community.
In the spring, trained volunteers evaluate community needs and the services provided by United Way Community Partners. This review assures that all gifts are used in a manner that best meets the needs of our community. These volunteers make funding recommendations to the United Way Board of Directors for final approval. To find out more or to find out how you can volunteer, visit our website.
Lubbock Area United Way has specific policies against pressuring anyone to give. The decision to give is a personal one and up to each individual. No one should be pressured or coerced into giving. Read Lubbock Area United Way’s full Voluntary Giving Policy and Donor Bill of Rights.
The money raised in Lubbock stays in the area. Our organization sends approximately 1.5% of the total amount raised to United Way Worldwide and United Ways of Texas as our membership fee. This fee provides us with invaluable national and state fundraising opportunities, marketing, and staff training support.
Yes, gifts to Lubbock Area United Way are tax deductible. Donors should consult their tax
Yes, the designated contribution section at the bottom of the pledge form allows donors to pick a specific agency to receive their gift. The donor may pick a maximum of two Lubbock Area United Way Community Partners (listed on the back of the pledge form) or another United Way. Donors may give to both the United Way Community Fund and to a specific agency or other United Way. There is a minimum of $50 for each selection.
While Lubbock Area United Way partners with several agencies considered to be faith-based, United Way is not represented by any one particular faith. Partner agencies providing United Way-funded services do not discriminate based on religion, faith, or denomination.
No organization funded by Lubbock Area United Way is involved in providing abortion services.
Please feel free to email with any additional questions. Our site also offers extensive information at
Lubbock Area United Way is an organization dedicated to mobilizing our community through support and resources.
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