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LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) – Lubbock Area United Way Board Chair Becky Palmer announced on Tuesday that the organization has named a new President and CEO. Lubbock native and current United Way Vice President of Community Impact Amanda McAfee will step into the role, following retiring CEO Glenn Cochran.

Palmer said, “The search committee and the board of directors put a lot of thought and consideration into the decision. We had numerous excellent candidates, but in the end, it was a unanimous decision to appoint Amanda to the position. We are confident in her ability as a leader at United Way and a leader in our community. We’re inspired by the vision she has for the future of the organization and believe she is the right person for the role.”

McAfee graduated from Coronado High School before going on to complete a Bachelor of Social Work at Abilene Christian University. She also has a Master of Arts in Leadership from Denver Seminary. McAfee’s nonprofit experience spans a 20-year career, including serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Africa where she worked in the nonprofit development program. McAfee returned to Lubbock in 2012. Before joining United Way, she worked for United Way Community Partners Catholic Charities and the Volunteer Center of Lubbock. She came to work at United Way in 2017 as a Campaign Division Director. McAfee stepped into the Vice President of Communications and Marketing position in 2018 and recently moved into the Community Impact role in 2022. She is married to Andy McAfee and the couple have two children, Caroline, a senior at Talkington School for Young Women Leaders, and Jack, a first grader at Hardwick Elementary.

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