May 25, 2021| Lubbock Area United Way Press Release
Lubbock Area United Way is helping students make learning leaps in their education through the 2021 Summer Reading Calendar available at In collaboration with area school districts, local libraries, and United Way Community Partners, the Summer Reading Calendar provides a comprehensive listing of free and low-cost literacy-related activities for preschool and school-aged children.
During the summer months, students risk losing 2-3 months of reading skills if they are not engaged in learning. When high-quality summer learning programs are made available and when children have access to books, we can not only curb summer learning loss, we can boost student achievement. When children continue to learn during the summer, they are healthier, safer, and smarter, and their schools and communities are more successful.
United Way Vice President of Community Impact, Devin McCain said, “Following the challenges of the last year and the many setbacks students faced, we want to help students make learning gains this summer and be ready to succeed when school starts back in the fall. The Summer Reading Calendar is one tool parents and caregivers can put in their toolbox to help their children make leaps forward.”
In addition to in-person events, the 2021 calendar includes virtual events and at-home activities to help parents and caregivers make learning fun at home. United Way is also providing weekly emails with information about events coming up that week.
View the Summer Reading Calendar
The Summer Reading Calendar is part of United Way’s Start Smart Initiative, a collaborative effort to improve reading proficiency and early school success for children from low-income families. Most events are free and open to the public. Parents and caregivers can sign up for the weekly emails when they visit the site.