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United Way Releases 2021 Community Status Report

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September 30, 2021 | Lubbock Area United Way Press Release

Lubbock Area United Way released its 2021 Community Status Report, which tracks demographics, education, economic, health and safety indicators in Lubbock County. The 2021 report addresses the rising need for community collaboration to solve key issues that existed before the pandemic and were heightened as an effect of it. The Community Status Report is a collaborative effort between Lubbock Area United Way and the City of Lubbock, Covenant Health, Lubbock County, Lubbock Independent School District, StarCare Specialty Health System, and UMC Health System.

The 2021 report looks at several factors impacting child well-being in Lubbock County. Texas currently ranks 46th in the nation for overall child well-being. In Lubbock, factors such as food insecurity, cost of housing, access to affordable childcare, and other economic disadvantages contribute to the overall well-being and success of children in our area. The number of children in poverty increased from 2018-2019 with 21.2% of Lubbock County children living in poverty. 

United Way Community Impact Director Devin McCain said, “Growing up in poverty is one of the greatest threats to healthy childhood development. It increases the likelihood that children will be exposed to risk factors that can impair brain development and lead to poor outcomes in a number of areas. United Way and our Community Partners are working to overcome these risk factors for all children in our area.”

The Community Status Report is used to provide up-to-date information on important issues facing the Lubbock area and ensure funds are being directed to the most relevant needs. Gifts to the United Way Annual Campaign go toward addressing challenges presented in the Community Status Report through the work of United Way Community Partners. The report has also become an authority for accurate data that nonprofits throughout the region rely on when developing grant proposals. The report and additional statistical data can be accessed online at

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