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Giving. People. Hope.

At United Way, we give people hope to achieve their goals through resources and programs. Make a big impact on Lubbock by donating part of your legacy through planned giving. 


Planned Giving

Give back to our community and give people hope. Planned giving is a contribution made through a person’s will or trust. Through planned giving, you can help others in Lubbock receive educational, health care, financial, and safety programs and resources.

Planned Giving

Choose Planned Giving

Planned giving is a steady way for non-profits to receive funds for programs and resources. Consider planned giving to help our community overcome barriers and find new opportunities to thrive.

Include United Way In Your
Will or Estate Plan.

Give back to our community by including United Way in your will or estate plan! We recommend consulting with your legal or financial advisors before starting.

Add United Way As a Beneficiary For An Existing or New Life Insurance Policy.

A gift of life insurance allows you to give a larger gift for a smaller cost. Your insurance provider can assist you in updating your beneficiary preferences.

Consider Making United Way the Owner and Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy

Premium payments may be tax deductible. Your insurance provider can assist you in transferring ownership of an existing policy to United Way.

Transfer Fully Appreciated Stock or Real Estate.

By transferring fully appreciated stock and real estate, you can give back to our community. Tax deductions or tax avoidance at the time of sale may be available.

Consider an IRA Rollover.

For donors ages 70.5 years and older, a direct rollover of funds from an IRA account to a charity can satisfy the legal minimum distribution and may have some tax advantages.

Other More Complex Giving Options Are Available, Based on the Needs of the Donor.

There's plenty of ways to give back. Explore your options for planned giving by consulting with your legal or financial advisors.

Together we can build a better future. Donate today!

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